Why This Project Matters
This expansion will allow us to:
By supporting this project, you’re not just contributing to a building—you’re preserving the Sunnah, transforming lives, and earning Sadaqah Jariyah for generations to come.

What We’ve Achieved So Far
Your support will amplify the incredible work already underway:
With your help, we can amplify these efforts and achieve even greater milestones.
Our Goal
We aim to raise
£95,000 (33 million PKR) by March 30, 2025,
to secure this vital land and begin the transformative expansion of the masjid.
Bank Transfer
Make a bank transfer directly to the below UK bank account with the reference: Lahoremasjid.

Donate via Gofundme. Share the campaign to help us reach our goal!
On an occasion, the noble Companion, Uthmaan (may Allah be pleased with him) addressed his companions saying:
O Salafi! Do you not desire to be among the pious, for whom Allah promises a house in Paradise? Reflect upon the example of Uthmaan (may Allah be pleased with him), who generously gave from his wealth to expand the Mosque. Would you not wish to follow in his footsteps? Your donation is a Sadaqah Jariyah—a continuous charity that benefits you even after death. For every prayer offered in this Mosque, for every child who learns to read, recite, and memorize the Qur’an, for every attendee of the daily classes and conferences, you will share in the reward!